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Hi, my name is Jacob -

an artist and designer from Lakewood, CO.

I created Amazeovision Ltd. to be a home for future indie games and other creative pursuits. My degree is in 3D art and animation, but I strive to learn everything I can from a variety of different fields; I'm passionate about game-making, design, and good craftsmanship.

Indie games, music, art & design.

View the creation and branding of
Amazeovision Ltd.
A constantly evolving online casino.

WCC is the flagship mobile game of
Masque Publishing.
Concept art, game assets, and UI/UX
design for independant games.
Website design, logos, and
promotional material for podcasts.

Amazeovision Logos & Design

Adobe Illustrator | Photoshop


The name "Amaze-O-Vision" recalls a distinctly fun 1950's aesthetic. Retro comics, advertisements, and movie posters are certainly fantastic wells to draw from, and all of them seemed like a good fit at first.
Amazeovision Ltd. is a digital company, however, and my attempts to modernize the vintage designs seemed to muddle the concept a bit.

I began to lean in a different direction when toying with the imagery on an eye as a sort of "Illuminati" symbol. For this design, I aimed to balance the cryptic symbology of a secret society with a lightheartedness that better represents the company's attitude.

The Amazeovision brand, website, and creative endeavors continue to evolve and teach me valuable new skills.

Album Art

Although I started the company to produce indie games, my first designs were for another passion - music.

Influenced by the likes of DJ Shadow, Blockhead, and Amon Tobin, I had produced enough music to consider putting an album together. Why wait?

Leaning into the retro feel, I began working on a look that represented record scrathes, lofi samples, and a vintage hip hop sound.

Masque Publishing and WCC

Adobe Suite | Maya | Unity

Working at Masque

At Masque Publishing, I have written custom tools for artists, overseen art pipelines, and produced art for various online and mobile games, as well as packaged products.

In recent years, I've also coded for games in Unity and Adobe Flash (C# and Actionscript).

Using multiple disciplines, I've worked directly with managers, engineers, and artists to consistently ship products for more than twelve years.

Casino Games

One of our biggest products at Masque is an online game called World Class Casino.

On the art side, I've worked on dozens of games, as well as the player avatar system and promotional material. I've used a variety of software for art and animations including Maya, Modo, Photoshop, After Effects and Flash.

On the technical side, I've coded prototypes of new features, created pipeline standards, and written scripts for Photoshop and Flash to help artists in their workflow.

Game Design

Adobe Suite | Modo | Unity | Unreal

A One-Man Studio

Game jams are a wonderful excuse to push yourself out of your comfort zone. As an indie creator, I've done my best to experience game design from start to finish; 3D and 2D art, sound design, UI/UX, best practices for programming, and solid gameplay mechanics.

Concept Art

Not every game gets finished (or even started), but for a brief moment anything is possible. Solidifying my game ideas into visual form can give me insight into the project, my direction, and sometimes inspire new gameplay ideas.

Even if a game doesn't come to fruition, sometimes it's enough to look back and enjoy the idea for what it was.


Illustrator | Modo | After Effects

Podcast Branding

I've been lucky enough to work on shows such as "The Everything Bad Podcast" and "Spoilers, Maybe", defining the look and feel of the brand. This includes audio and video editing, website design, and graphics for merchandise.

It was also important to me to create memorable characters for the show; iconic representations of the people involved.


As a freelancer, I've also helped to design a variety of print merchandise. Based on sketches from clients, items such as stickers, buttons, and signage have successfully been sold and displayed at conventions such as Denver Comic Con.

Jacob Rummelhart

3D Artist | Game Designer

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